Here Is everything your relationship doctor has never told you about

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Women Bosses at the Workplace

Well,the other day i was looking at the workplace situation with the man as the boss.So i'd like to focus on the woman as the boss today.

When there's such a scenario,there's usually a high chance that the lady will be involved in an affair with the man who is her subordinate.Several reasons could lead to that.

First:If the lady keeps sighting the man in question with some ladies,she will usuall tend to start having a reaction whereby she'll hate them and want to0 compete with them at the same time.

To her,she will be able to show her power to the man's ladies by "snatching" him from them.This act also boosts her self esteem.

The other situation that may lead to an affair at the workplace will be constant contact.Ladies are very sensitive,and when a lady is working with a man,spending more hours with him than she does with her husband,boyfriend...she will normally tend to start developing a soft spot for him.

This situation is heightened by the fact that the man receives orders from her and is seemingly harmless as compared to the husband at home who rules.The lady gradually develops a liking for the man,and a relationship blossoms there.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Workplace Relationships

Well,this would be with regard to intimate affairs at the workplace people end up conducting side affairs at their workplaces even when they have a good spouse at home waiting on them at the end of the day.

Today I'll look at what instances these affairs are conducted ,beginning with the man as a boss at the workplace.

When a man is a boss to a lady,the possibility of an affair with her lies in the fact that he has the say over her welfare and she will give in to his demands only to keep her job.

The man who tries to maintain a professional worklife will get his lady colleagues wanting to get on with him,and he'll have to be a very strong person to refuse any of those advances though,the man gives in just because he doesn't want the lady to think less of him....Let's say,sometimes it's just to show the woman that he is man enough.Usually he will keep off the lady after the whole episode.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Long Distance Relationships

Who can manage it?Well,I'd only say that it depends on how someone has set the mind to bear with all the suspense involved in this

Generally,men would fare better than women if they are busy enough wherever they are,such that the work they are involved in saps up so much of their time they don't get the time to get some substitute women as they "Faithfully" wait for the lady.

For the case of women,they just can't easily cope with all that's demanded by it.Generally,women naturally have a desire to always be close to the one they love.If they cannot see the person they love,then they relationship needs to be bonded by constant touch,and not just mail,but telephone will nearly do it.

Woe unto the man who cannot keep in constant touch with a lady especially when it's just a dating type of relationship.Many men will confess to having lost women unintentionally just by relaxing on the communication.

What registers in the woman's mind is that,"if you can't search for me,you are probably not interested".Funny thing is that most busy men may not always get the time to communicate to the lady.The danger here is when someone else can offer her the warmth that she misses from her man.The end result is a game called cheating.

The main thing at the back of the lady's mind is "Does he really care for me anymore?".The care is shown in communication

Friday, June 16, 2006

Honesty As a Relationship Pillar

Honesty,so what is it?I'd say it's just a virtue we hold onto as people inorder not to hurt other people,i'd think that the opposite of it would result into a liar and a cheat.

Honesty in relationships has its place of necessity.Honesty in relationships will often involve expression of one's feelings about an aspect of a given relationship.More of confession is in it.

The first real case of honesty in a relationship,is at the point of expression of interest in each other.There's usually a frankness people share with each other,when they are just starting to date.The expression of these feelings is good for bonding in a relationship.

However,honesty may eventually take a backseat as the relationship progresses,especially at points where someone has noticed qualities they dislike in their date or spouse.

Instead of expressing what they feel in whatever form it may take,they instead decide to bottle up these facts in them.This act eventually kills the relationship slowly.Acts like women faking orgasms,hiding one's disgust about something offensive in the partner will eventually ruin the relationship.

Honesty in relationship terms,involves coming to terms with the situation one is in and getting a good solution for it.The moment someone keeps every worry to themselves,then other issues start developing:Deepening resentment,mistrust.. and eventually squabbles with the other person.

It would be good to have a good platform for interaction in a relationship.It would provide a good ground to empty all concerns and i an honest way,so that they do not pile up into major issues.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Well.A countless amount of songs have been composed based on this very item;Love.But what really is it...

Keeping in mind that Love has got its cousin Lust and sister infatuation,so many can easily mistake these other two for the actual feeling of love.

If i were to define what love is,i'd mainly talk about the two major components of it:Affection and care.

Affection:This component is what initiates the strong bonding between two people.Of course the whole process is aided by hormonal factors,but affection is the major outstanding component within the complicated matter that is love.

Care:This component is responsible for the maintanance of the affection that brings people together.I'd say that it rather strengthens the bonds created by affection.Lack of care for each other's needs in a relationship always leads to a weakening and eventual breaking of the bond

Those are the components of love according to me.One person has to offer the partner the above components in equal measure for the relationship to last.Lessening in any of the above components will disrupt the union.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


This is another pillar in relationships...Marriage and dating relationships will be sustained in all happiness,if this quality is available.

Loyalty will be subdivided to:Loyalty to One's principles and loyalty to one's spouse.

Principles:Everyone has certain qualities to which they have clung onto in their growth process in life,to finally end up with a certain character that everyone else can identify.

There are times when someone gets attached to another person and the person decides to do away with all the proper etiquette and principles they had before they met the other person in order to be accepted by that other person.

When someone throws away some good principles they had just so they may get accepted by the other,that other person will end up despising and taking them for granted.The subsequent union will have a total lack of respect on one end and a desparate other on the other end.

Loyalty to the spouse:

This has to do with someone facing criticism levelled against their spouse by third parties.There are times when these criticisms can get to the recipient and they end up allowing their minds to be twisted by other ideas.

Everyone who is in a union should walk about with the confidence that they have met the best choice in the form of their spouse,and no amount of misguided criticism/allegations should easily sway someone from that confidence.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Relationship Pillars

All relationships are controlled by certain factors.Friends will have certain things which they will share in common with each other...habits,historical background..etc.

These are the factors that keep the relationship going strong,like loyalty and understanding...Friends will operate within these factors which I always refer to as pillars.So i'll take a look at some of the pillars in marriage and dating relationships.

There are plenty of things that can go wrong in any relationships,lying,concealing of information...Many are the things people do in order to get what they want.If someone lied about an aspect of themselves just to get someone else's hand in marriage,what should the other person do when (s)he finds out?

Forgiveness is a quality like any other that,in addition to keeping the relationship bonds stronger,also indicate the level of maturity the person concerned has got.

I will look at it like this:If someone I love so much wrongs me,then I forgive that person,it doesn't necessarily mean that I will forget about,it's only that when I remember about it,I don't get overtaken my raging emotions but rather remember that I learnt a certain aspect of life through the whole experience.

Forgiveness is a deliberate act of taking control of any negative motive for action and deciding to redirect that motive into a more constructive path of reconciliation.

Reconciliation is actually a change in mind and in the case of men,a trampling of the ego to reach out for strengthening of bonds that will last a lifetime.

Forgiveness is good especially when the offending partner has learnt the lesson good indication of this is usually confession by that person usually shows a broken-ness which should not be punished by being unforgiving.